DWI Attorneys

At The Z&P Law Group, we believe that just because you’ve been arrested for a DWI in Texas, it does not mean you are guilty. We fight to protect your license and your rights.
In Texas, if you have been caught operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, then you’ve committed a DWI crime under Texas laws. The actions you take after may have a direct impact on your right to drive, your freedom, and your future. With our attorney’s help, we can help you make the right choices.
After being arrested for DWI, you only have 15 days to request a hearing to prevent a suspension of your driver’s license. This hearing is separate from any criminal charges you may be facing for alcohol-related convictions. If you do not request the hearing within 15 days, however, your license will automatically be suspended. It is important you call our office right away so that we can help you with this aspect of your case.
Refusing to take a breath or blood test can automatically suspend your driver’s license. If you refused to take a breath or blood test, or you did take the breath or blood test and failed, you will need the help of our attorneys.
Our attorneys will do anything and everything it takes to make sure our clients are well taken care of. If you or a loved one has been charged with a DWI, please call the Z&P Law Group at no cost to you.